"Gruesome Smiles" The Solo Show of Angry Woebots

Art Whino says:

The strange but fitting works of Angry Woebots, displaying his depiction of Angry Panda's  which could represent a sign of the inner struggles that maybe stirring beneath his creatures. The Portraits of bears that are usually presented as docile and most times cute are brought here in its vicious form. The show features Woebots iconic grizzly style Pandas slashed and splattered on solid surfaces on wood, canvas and even in 3D resin form. Angry Woes Martin been painting Pandas since 2003 and has painted over thousands of them from South East Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Australia and US mainland he has represented a creature that has less then a 1000 in the wild. Gruesome-Smiles everything is not funny, but the world is a lot better when you learn to laugh.  "Everything looks fresher with fangs". Keep smiling on."

Saturday, July 16th, from 8pm – Midnight

Art Whino Gallery
120 American Way
National Harbor, MD 20745

Reception begins at 8pm

Show end date: August 15th

The event is FREE and open to the public.

Via: AW

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